Top 5 Minecraft Seeds in 2018 for Minecraft 1.13.1! These are the best Minecraft seeds for Minecraft 1.13 versions on PC or Java - The Update Aquatic and on Bedrock Edition for Pocket Edition, XBox, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10, etc. These seeds are all different and may feature shipwrecks, villages, mansions, ocean ruins, survival islands, or something else! For more epic seeds be sure to check out my Minecraft Seed Showcases or other Top Minecraft seeds videos! Thanks for watching!
Video sponsored by Minecraft Seed HQ. For more information on the seeds visit: Seed 5: Mansion and Village Seed (Java Edition)Seed ID: 2900541909443169795 Coordinates: Mansion: x: (191) y: (64) z: (182) Village: x: (63) y: (71) z: (341) Seed 4: Offshore Jungle Temple Seed (Bedrock Edition)Seed ID: 3711968 Source: Offshore Jungle Temple for PE/Bedrock Coordinates: Jungle Temple: x: (2590) y: (63) z: (46) Ocean Ruin: x: (2369) y: (32) z: (35) Icebergs: x: (2386) y: (78) z: (109) Seed 3: Survival Island Seed (Java Edition)Seed ID: -537080339076755115 Coordinates: Ocean Monument: x: (-256) y: (56) z: (303) Shipwreck/Ruins: x: (-191) y: (39) z: (275) Second Island: x: (-25) y: (67) z: (188) Seed 2: Double Blacksmith Seed (Bedrock Edition)Seed ID: 2199345 Source: Double Blacksmith Seed for Bedrock Edition Coordinates: Double Village: x: (140) y: (69) z: (45) Desert Village: x: (285) y: (64) z: (200) Seed 1: Super Spawn Seed (Java Edition)Seed ID: -562179930 Source: Minecraft Seed with Super Spawn (Java Edition) Coordinates: Village: x: (-490) y: (70) z: (338) Shipwreck: x: (-260) y: (63) z: (336) Coral Reef: x: (-213) y: (47) z: (343)
Top 5 Minecraft Seeds in 2018 for Minecraft 1.13.1! These are the best Minecraft seeds for Minecraft 1.13.1 on PC or Java - The Update Aquatic. These seeds are all different and may feature shipwrecks, villages, mansions, diamonds, loot, epic terrain, temples, mushroom islands, strongholds, desert temples, or something else! For more epic seeds be sure to check out my Minecraft Seed Showcases or other Top Minecraft seeds videos! Thanks for watching!
Video sponsored by Minecraft Seed HQ. For more information on the seeds visit: Seed 5: Ocean Ruin on Turtle Island SeedSeed ID: 519124461 Source: Ocean Ruin on Turtle Island Coordinates: Ocean Ruin: x: (-138) y: (65) z: (83) Ocean Ruins: x: (-147) y: (56) z: (97) Icebergs: x: (-186) y: (70) z: (156) Seed 4: Ocean Monument SeedSeed ID: 1901516821050858205 Coordinates: Ocean Monument: x: (-111) y: (56) z: (335) Ocean Ruins/Shipwreck: x: (75) y: (55) z: (304) Village: x: (-228) y: (65) z: (305) Desert Temple: x: (-216) y: (73) z: (108) Seed 3: Ice Spike Shipwreck SeedSeed ID: 527517686 Source: Shipwreck in the Land of Ice Spikes Coordinates: Shipwreck: x: (83) y: (63) z: (47) Ocean Ruin: x: (-142) y: (34) z: (1) Ocean Ruin/Shipwreck: x: (-189) y: (52) z: (-162) Seed 2: Mesa, Village, and Mansion SeedSeed ID: 7803440761144090753 Coordinates: Mesa: x: (-123) y: (71) z: (313) Village: x: (0) y: (64) z: (180) Mansion: x: (578) y: (67) z: (531) Mesa Village: x: (288) y: (67) z: (650) Seed 1: Double Village SeedSeed ID: 1955368017 Source: 2x Desert Blacksmith Village Spawn Coordinates: Village: x: (-306) y: (63) z: (-190) Village: x: (-257) y: (71) z: (200) Shipwreck: x: (-139) y: (63) z: (-116)
Top 5 Minecraft Seeds in 2018 for Minecraft 1.13! These are the best Minecraft Shipwreck Seeds for Minecraft 1.13 on PC or Java - The Update Aquatic. These seeds are all different and may feature shipwrecks near ocean monuments, villages, icebergs, or something else! For more epic seeds be sure to check out my Minecraft Seed Showcases or other Top Minecraft seeds videos! Thanks for watching!
Top 5 Minecraft Seeds in 2018 for Minecraft 1.13! These are the best Minecraft seeds for Minecraft 1.13 on PC or Java - The Update Aquatic. These seeds are all different and may feature shipwrecks, buried treasure, villages, mansions, diamonds, loot, epic terrain, temples, mushroom islands, strongholds, desert temples, or something else! For more epic seeds be sure to check out my Minecraft Seed Showcases or other Top Minecraft seeds videos! Thanks for watching!
Mojang has just released the newest Minecraft 1.13 update! The Update Aquatic features some exciting new features including an overhaul of ocean biomes, shipwrecks, fish, dolphins, coral blocks, turtles, icebergs, underwater ruins, underwater caves and ravines, buried treasure, tridents, and much more!
You can read all about the newest Minecraft 1.13 Update Aquatic on Personally, I'm excited to explore the new shipwrecks and use the tridents. Be on the lookout for some new videos uploaded to my YouTube channel featuring new Minecraft 1.13 seeds, servers, and more! I have been waiting for the new update to create some exciting new videos! |
January 2025